Running is not inherently boring or repetitive. However, if you perform the same workout over and over again then yes, just like anything you repeat on a near daily basis, it will become so. Here are our favourite methods to refresh your workout and keep running fun.
Ditch the data
Runners have gone gadget mad with apps, watches and all manner of gizmos designed to meticulously measure your distance, time, speed and heart rate. This can then be compared with data recorded from previous training sessions.
This constant feedback of information can prove incredibly stressful or demotivating when it displays data you don’t want to see. For instance - if you’ve run a slower time or you’ve covered less distance than expected.
Liberate yourself by ditching the data and transform your run into a more therapeutic experience.
Switch up your training
Does your training simply consist of adding time or distance to your workout? Why not switch it up and try a more structured workout? Find a hill and crack out some hill repeats or perhaps have go at speed interval training. Not only will you increase your endurance, speed, strength and lung capacity you will also prevent your workout from becoming stale.

Switch up your route or try trail running
This is perhaps the most obvious solution. Undoubtedly passing the same scenery and pounding the same pavements over and over again will become monotonous. Explore somewhere you’ve never been before, who knows what you might discover right on your doorstep!
Your new route might also provide a fresh challenge leading you to discover you can achieve something you previously thought impossible.
Grab a running buddy
Running with a partner can provide three benefits. It can add an element of competition by motivating you to outperform your partner. Or it might provide an enjoyable social dimension to your run. You can strike up a conversation and enjoy the company of another whilst working out. Finally it also provides accountability. It’s much more difficult to skip a workout if it means letting your friend down.

Keep a running diary
A written account of your progress can provide some much needed motivation. If you're ever feeling less than enthused about a workout, look back at how far you’ve come and it will push you to keep on adding milestones to your diary.
A running diary also helps to provide a visual representation of your progression. This makes your running feel less like an aimless, undefined workout routine.
Sign up for a race
Signing up for a race gives you a clear goal to work towards. Vague, wishy washy goals are hard to keep track of and are easily given up on. Training for a race gives you a purpose to run.
Also make sure to tell lots of people you’ve signed up for a race so you won’t be tempted to back out!
Update your running playlist
Those songs that used to provide you with a burst of energy now have you reaching for your phone to skip them. The thought of listening to the same playlist for the umpteenth time will make you dread lacing up your shoes for a run. So mix it up! Add in some fresh tunes that give you that extra push.
Create some GPS art
There are a plethora of apps that will map your route as you run. See what creations you can produce and where they will lead you!
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