Seb is the 2016 British 400m champion and has represented England/UK 12x, including at the 2016 Rio Olympics. He is also the Sussex 400m and decathlon record holder.
Training 6 times a week, Seb incorporates a variety of track, weights and bike workouts into his regime. A typical weak of training for Seb looks like this:
Monday - long warm up, hurdle walk overs, acceleration runs, sprint session, cool down.
Tuesday - Bike, weight session, circuits, Bike
Wednesday - warm up, 400m hurdle session, hurdle walk over, cool down
Thursday - recovery day, grass runs, stretching, physio
Friday - bike, warm up, running drills, speed endurance session, hurdle walk overs, medicine ball throws
Saturday - bike, weight session, 20 minute jog
Sunday - rest

As with any job, finding time for reflection is key for peak performance. For Seb, this comes in the form of a hot bubble bath with Epsom bath salts.

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